Promoting Action in Children’s Education (PACE) is a program of the Three Rivers Education Foundation in partnership with Bloomfield Public Schools. The goal of PACE is for Bloomfield students to be physically healthy.
PACE is funded by the Fund for the Improvement of Education, Carol M. White program, award number S215F140342.
PACE will address obesity and nutrition challenges in Bloomfield Schools, Bloomfield, NM, through a comprehensive effort that comprises education curriculum, physical education, and community engagement. A recent district-wide BMI study indicates that 45% of students are in the 85+ percentile for BMI, with 26% in the 95+ percentile, based on national averages. The four elementary schools, where students’ life-long habits are formed, share 1 PE teacher, and students are neither guided nor encouraged in developing physical fitness and healthy nutritional habits.
Through PACE, the Three Rivers Education Foundation partners with Bloomfield Schools to
- re-invigorate the district’s physical education curriculum,
- integrate state physical education standards throughout the core academic curriculum,
- provide physical education teachers in underserved schools,
- improve the knowledge and skills of physical education instructors,
- engage local health providers in district-wide health and fitness efforts, and
- establish and prepare students for the Bloomfield Olympics.
PACE will serve all 3,028 students, PreK–12th grade, in the Bloomfield School District’s seven school sites.
Absolute Priority: PACE provides instruction in healthy eating and nutrition and physical fitness activities (including fitness education and assessment); instruction in motor skills and activities that support every student’s physical, mental, and social / emotional development; development of and instruction in motor skill and physical fitness concepts; opportunities to develop cooperative and social skills; and professional development opportunities for instructional staff members.
PACE will meet the following performance measures:
- The number of students who meet state and national content standards for physical education will increase by 20% yearly;
- By the end of year three, physical education will be incorporated into core curricular areas and supported by physical education staff members;
- The number of students who meet the standard of a healthy fitness zone will increase by at least 15% annually, up to at least 85% of all students, as established by the assessment for the Presidential Youth Fitness Program (PYFP) in at least five of the six fitness areas of that assessment;
- The number of students able to demonstrate understanding of nutrition, physical fitness, healthy behavioral choices will increase annually to a minimum of 85% of all students by the end of year three;
- The percentage of students who engage in at least 60 minutes of daily physical activity will increase annually, to a minimum of 75% by the end of year three; and
- By the end of year three, at least 90% of elementary and 75% of middle and high school students will consume fruit two or more times per day and vegetables three or more times per day.
For more information, contact David Bowman, PACE project director, at or by phone at 505-436-2548. Visit the Three Rivers Education Foundation at