
Students: Enter your health, fitness, and nutrition information here. If you need help, ask your P.E. teacher. Once all students have submitted data for a particular activity, the information will be posted on the DATA page.

Presidential Youth Fitness

Enter data for the Presidential Youth Fitness Challenge

  • Height and Weight,
  • Aerobic Capacity,
  • Strength, and
  • Flexibility.

Your P.E. teacher will help you perform the tests for each of these fitness areas. You will submit your information at the beginning of the school year, at the beginning  of the Spring Semester, and at the end of the school year.

Submit Data Here

Student 3-Day Activity Recall

What did you do for the last 3 days? Use this form to report your physical activities.

Submit Data Here

Taking Steps to Fitness

Enter daily steps recorded by pedometers.

How many steps did you take since the same time yesterday? Use a pedometer to find out, and enter the number here:

Submit Steps Here

NM Healthy Kids (will be available later)

Enter NM Healthy Kids 5-2-1-0 data on

  • Daily Fruit and Vegetable Consumption,
  • At-home Screen Time,
  • Hours of Physical Activity, and
  • Beverage Consumption.

Submit Data Here

News and Events

Have Fun
Learn new strategies
Get Paid

Sign up for a FREE 3-day workshop on using student movement to teach language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies.

Bloomfield teachers, grades 1–6
June 5 – 7 @ Bloomfield District Office
Limited to 18 participants—sign up now!
Get Paid to Attend: $150 per day!

Sign Up Here

(Download the workshop flyer)