Videos and Media

Fitness Test Instructional Videos

View the videos in full screen and turn up your volume.

P.A.C.E.R. Aerobic Endurance Test

Curl-Up Abdominal Strength and Endurance Test

Trunk Lift

90-degree Push Up

Sit and Reach

Fitness Test Cadence Audio Files

MP3 files to download and use. These are also on the PACE audio CD.

Curl-up Cadence

Push-up Cadence

PACER Cadence


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Sign up for a FREE 3-day workshop on using student movement to teach language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies.

Bloomfield teachers, grades 1–6
June 5 – 7 @ Bloomfield District Office
Limited to 18 participants—sign up now!
Get Paid to Attend: $150 per day!

Sign Up Here

(Download the workshop flyer)